Good Afternoon,

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers in the Brogden Middle School Family!

Athletic Banquet
BMS has enjoyed a great year in athletics and now it is time to celebrate our student athletes! We will host our 2022-2023 Athletic Banquet Wednesday, May 17th at 5:30 pm. This event will be held in the auditorium.

EOG/EOC Testing
The End-of-Grade (EOG) Math (6th-8th), English/Language Arts (6th-8th) and Science (8th) summative assessments will be administered from May 26th - June 1st. The EOGs are designed to measure student performance on the goals, objectives, and grade-level competencies specified in the North Carolina Common Core Standards.  Students enrolled in high school Math I will also be administered the End-of-Course (EOC) summative assessments during the testing window.  Testing will begin at 9:00 am each morning. Our testing schedule is as follows:

  • Friday, May 26th - Science (8th Grade Only) & Math I
  • Wednesday, May 31st - Math (6th, 7th & 8th)
  • Thursday, June 1st - ELA (6th, 7th & 8th)

Volunteers for Proctoring
Brogden Middle School is looking for proctors for our EOG testing this year. We are looking for proctors for each of the three days of testing:

  • Friday, May 26th
  • Wednesday, May 31st
  • Thursday, June 1st

Testing begins at 9:00 am. It is over at approximately 2:00 pm. As a proctor, you help the teacher ensure that testing occurs fairly and uniformly. If you are interested in helping please complete the Google Form linked HERE. Thank you for your consideration.

Take 2
We will begin taking our EOG/EOC tests the week after Memorial Day. If any student does not reach proficiency on their EOG tests at the end of the school year, they will need to attend the Take 2 program at BMS. Take 2 consists of remediation and an opportunity for students to retake their assessments. The dates of the program are Monday, June 12th - Friday, June 16th. The first day of Take 2 will consist of remediation only. Testing will begin on Tuesday, June 13th. Transportation will be provided for all students.

BMS Food Pantry
Does your family need help with food? Brogden has partnered with Inter- Faith Food Shuttle to provide families with food support. If you would like to pick up food from Brogden on Wednesday, May 17th 8:30 am - 9:30 am, please text Rachael Norris, School Social Worker (336-575-0207). Food will be given out until it is gone.

PTA Fundraiser
Bucks for Brogden PTA Fundraiser begins next week. Look for more information to be announced soon. You can donate to support our PTA anytime at https://brogdenpta.square.site or by VENMO to @BrogdenMSPTA [phone verification 7367].