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Good afternoon, Pirate families,
This is Dr. Woods-Weeks calling with the weekly update. It’s hard to believe the school year is almost over! It’s show time. Test time is on! Final exams begin tomorrow. We are expecting a strong finish for all! Let's keep the main thing the main thing as we complete final exams this week.
Final Exams
You may find our Spring 2023 Exam Schedule here and on RHS website. Please arrive to school on time prepared to test. Get a good night sleep and eat a hearty breakfast. In fact, it’s okay to go to bed now! I know you will do well because you have been prepared well. We want a 95% participation rate for all exams. So please show up and show out. Be ready!
The Riverside Athletics Department would like to thank everyone for a fantastic year, and a special shoutout to all our seniors for playing a huge part in helping the River Rise!!!
Students interested in playing sports next year can go ahead and complete the mandatory online registration at this time. Please visit our website to view the registration at www.dpsathletics.com/riverside.
Students who need information about summer workouts can visit the same website or scan the QR code below and complete the information sheet and we will contact you directly. For any additional questions, please contact Athletic Director Robert_Duncan@dpsnc.net
Books and Devices
Additionally, as we prepare to close out the year this week, please be sure to submit all books and devices. All fines must be paid before you leave for the year.
Commencement Practice: Graduation Rehearsal for commencement will be held Wednesday, June 7th from 2:00-4:30 p.m. sharp in the RHS auditorium and on Thursday, June 8th from 2:45-4:00 p.m. at Cameron indoor stadium. Please be prompt and on time. We will begin and end on time.
Seniors: All seniors must fulfill ALL responsibilities before graduation. Responsibilities include academic work completed, books and devices checked in, and all fines paid. All other students must fulfill all responsibilities as well.
Commencement: The high school class of 2023 is scheduled to graduate on Tuesday, June 12th at 1:00 p.m. at Cameron. Each senior must arrive at the stadium by 12:00 p.m. Graduates only will assemble in the back hallway before the graduation ceremony. The stadium will be open for seating at 12:00 p.m. Individuals with disabilities will have access to seating on the floor. Graduation is a formal event. Proper behavior is expected of all in attendance. Do not bring noisemakers or other distracting items into the stadium.
Summer School: As we complete our exams this week, please be reminded that if your student scores less than a level 3 on EOCs, the student is required to retest on June 16th . Take 2 summer learning dates are June 12th – June 16th. Students will be notified in person and parents by phone if you are required to retest. Summer School dates are June 19th – 29th and July 10- July 20th (Monday-Thursday) 9:30-1:30. See Ms. McKoy for more details.
Summer Office Hours: Our summer school hours are Monday – Thursday from 8:00 – 5:00 p.m. and closed on Friday. If you need information or help, please come in or call us.
2023-2024 Calendar: The 2023-2024 school calendar can be found on our website as well as the DPS website. The first day of student attendance is August 28th.
Changes in Address: If your permanent mailing address changes, please notify us immediately. You will want to receive the special summer mailings as well as your 2023-2024 class schedule.
That said, I will see each of you at the River tomorrow. Let’s finish the year strong! Go forth and make it a great evening. Roll Pirates Roll!! Thanks.