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Driver's Ed. Class Registration

Spring Driver's Education Classes -  

Class dates: March 24 – April 11th; AM and PM classes.  

 Registration: Saturday, March 1st at 9:00 AM

  • Class Time: 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM OR 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (SIGN UP FOR ONE)
  • The fee for this class is $45  
  • The class will be online



The links will remain open until all available slots are filled.  

Students wishing to take Driver Education must be eligible to receive a driver eligibility certificate. Students who have failed two or more classes the previous semester are not eligible to take Driver Education. 

**Please note that DPS will no longer communicate using Zoom. Driver's Ed students must have access to Teams by being able to sign in to their DPS Outlook account.  

To take Driver Education with Durham Public Schools, a student must be in one of these categories: 

  • Attend a Durham Public School high school 
  • Attend a private school located in Durham 
  • Attend a registered "home school" located in Durham. 
  • A student must be 14 ½ years of age on the first day of class. 

DPS will use an "online" payment system for the $45 Driver Education fee. The fee will be paid by credit or debit card. Students who do not have a credit or debit card may obtain one from a store. However, students must remember that some places charge a service fee for the card and must add that to the amount put on the card. 

Students dismissed from a Driver Education class due to behavior or attendance problems will not be allowed to take Driver Education a second time through Durham Public Schools. 

Additional Driver's Education classes dates:


Did your Driver's Eligibility Certificate expire? Do you need a Driver's Eligibility Certificate signed? 

Come by the DST Main Office to receive a signed certificate. Ms. Davis will sign your certificate if you have an appointment at the DMV (or walk in within the next 30 days).

Copy or go to this link to make an appointment.