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Student Medication Information
Dear Parent/Guardian,
For students with a medical condition requiring medication at school, please make sure the following are completed
- Have your healthcare provider complete and sign the Parent Request and Provider Order for Medication form for any medications or treatments needed by your child at school.
- This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications
- Make sure that both your signature and the healthcare provider signature are on the form along with current date
- Bring all documents and medications to the front office
- ALL medications must be brought to school in the original pharmacy-labeled package
- Please see the pictures below for further explanation
- The label of the medication should match the doctors order, as pictured below.
Thank you from your school nurse!
Martha Fitzhenry, RN 919-695-5465
Estimado Padre / Tutor,
Pídale a su proveedor de atención médica que complete y firme el formulario Parent Request and Providers’ Order Form for Medication para cualquier medicamento que necesite su hijo en la escuela.
Un adulto debe de traer todo los documentos y los medicamentos a la oficina principal de la escuela.
Asegúrese de que tanto su firma como la del proveedor de atención médica estén en el formulario junto con la fecha actual.
Por favor traiga el formulario y el medicamento en su empaque original a la oficina principal.
Martha Fitzhenry, RN 919-695-5465
la enfermera de la escuela