- Parkwood Elementary
- Parents
Parkwood's Advanced Academics Program (AIG)
Randy J. Lent, M.Ed (3-5)
Cynthia Nnaemeka (K-2)
randy_lent@dpsnc.net cynthia_nnaemeka@dpsnc.net
Advanced Academics Specialists
Parkwood Elementary School
5207 Revere Rd
Durham, NC 27713
At Parkwood Elementary we believe in excellence in equity and focus on developing the strengths and talents of every scholar.
Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade
The K-2 nurturing program focuses on cultivating potential in every student while also serving the advanced needs of those that need enrichment in reading and math. Investigation lessons are taught to all students in a whole class setting to provide each one opportunities to use advanced critical thinking skills in many ways. See our district website for more information regarding K-2 Investigations.
Students demonstrating a need for advanced services in K-2 receive nurturing services and are worked with in a small group setting where they are challenged to think at higher levels, solve problems in multiple ways, be creative in demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of content, and apply their learning to real world situations. We often use the GRASP model (Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Product,) for project and problem based learning activities as a way to demonstrate our learning and understanding.
Third Grade, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade
The Advanced Academics program for third, fourth and fifth students at Parkwood is purposely and sufficiently advanced to challenge students' ability to think about things in ways they have not before. This will require multiple levels of thinking and higher order questioning. Students study important issues and problems related to the content area. The curriculum encourages creativity, open-ended responses, high-level choices, and problem solving.
For more information about Advanced Academics/AIG including identification, services, and resources please visit the Durham Public Schools Advanced Academics/AIG Website