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Principal Update 9/22

Good evening Githens families.  Please read the following for important information.

*There is no school for scholars tomorrow, Monday, September 23rd.

*Fall Sports continue this week! The schedule for home games this week are:

Tuesday, September 24th - Boys Soccer & Volleyball versus Neal @ 4:45

Wednesday, September 25th - Football versus Rogers Herr @ 4:45

Friday, September 27th - Boys Soccer & Volleyball versus Brogden (rescheduled from September 16th @ 4:45)

Saturday, September 28th - Football versus Lowes Grove (rescheduled from September 16th, game time is 10:00am.)

Purchase tickets at

A Clear bag policy will be enforced at all games.

Students must be with an adult to enter all games.

*On Tuesday, September 24, Githens will host a Title One/Curriculum/Student Led Conference night.  Parents of scholars identified as AIG are asked to come to the media center that afternoon at 5:00 to sign DEPs.  Student-led conferences will take place from 5:30 to 6:30.  There will be a Title I session led by Mrs. Major during this event as well. Please mark your calendars. The flyer for this event can be found on our website.

*Fall Pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 26. 

*Lastly, For our students' safety, we wanted to make you aware that Githens Middle School is currently under a fire watch until repairs are completed on the fire alarm system. A fire watch is being conducted to ensure the safety of students and staff while the building is occupied. Fire Watch personnel are trained to alert building staff and call 911 in the event of an emergency. The safety of all DPS students is always a top priority and we will continue to take the necessary steps as directed by the Durham County Fire Marshal.

I hope you had an amazing weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!


*DPS School Safety, Security, and Emergency Information Guide for Parents/Families:

DPS School Safety, Security, and Emergency Information for Parents and Families and DPS School Safety, Security, and Emergency Information for Parents and Families (SPANISH VERSION).


GMS Transportation Support


One-to-One Student Device Handbook (English/Spanish)

Parent/Student Technology Agreement (English/Spanish)

New DPS Technology Policy: Students who did not return a device and charger at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, should not be issued duplicate assets. All students are expected to care and use district devices according to our Technology Responsible Use (4312/3225/7320) policy.  

The chart below details the governance all DPS schools are expected to follow for the 2024-2025 school year. If a replacement charger is needed, a request should be submitted to Once payment is received, the replacement charger will be provided to the requesting student.

Elementary Schools

Middle & High Schools



All DPS elementary school students (PreK-5) will be Technology Day Users for the 2024-2025 school year.

A Technology Day User is defined as a student who has access to a DPS issued device and charger during the school day, in their classroom.  This student will have access to request a DPS issued device and charger from their school’s inventory if there is an academic need – special projects, inclement weather, etc.



Accidental Damage

Intentional Damage


1st Occurrence

DPS IT Repair


2nd Occurrence

DPS IT Repair

Discussion with Principal


3rd Occurrence

Technology Day User

Discussion with Superintendent



1st Occurrence

Technology Day User

Discussion with Principal


2nd Occurrence

Technology Day User

Discussion with Superintendent


Replacement charger cost for all students and staff = $38


This Week In Sports: Tickets can be purchased using the GoFan link listed below. For further information regarding athletics or specific teams, please email either Ms. Stackhouse, Athletic Director, or the coaches.

Main Website =

Tickets can be purchased at GoFan:

*Student Handbooks and Policies: 

*Instructional Information:

  • PowerSchool Parent Portal: PowerSchool Parent Portal is the official source of student grade information and a convenient way for you to update your most current contact information.  DPS has created step by step instructions, as well as video instructions, on how to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal.  Use the link above to navigate the setup process.
  • Canvas LMS/Parent Canvas Observer Access: Parents are highly encouraged to sign up to be an observer in Canvas.  Teachers will post homework assignments for scholars in Canvas and will be responsible for keeping these pages updated.
  • Discovery: Every scholar at GMS is scheduled to take an intervention class from 9:22 to 10:12.  Click the link to access a description of the learning scholars will engage in.
  • Githens Middle School 2024 - 2025 Supply List Below