- Sherwood Githens Middle School
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Principal Update 4/14
Good evening Githens. Please read the following for important information and updates:
Important Dates:
- Early Release Day - April 26 (School ends at 1:20); DPS Student Wellness Day at all DPS schools
Case 21 MOY Benchmark Testing:
Beginning Wednesday, April 17, scholars will participate in district required Case 21 End of Year benchmark testing in mathematics, English/Language Arts, and 8th grade Science. Testing will end on Monday, April 22. Individual scholars will be pulled for make-up testing as needed.
EOG Resource Drive:
On Tuesday, April 16, from 3:45 to 4:45, Githens will have a Drive-through resource jubilee. The event is designed to provide parents with supplementary resources and academic information to assist families in their scholar’s growth on end of year benchmark assessments. Staff will be on hand to answer questions and provide supplies as needed. Light snacks will also be provided.
DPS Student Wellness Day/Early Release Day Friday, April 26:
Durham Public Schools will be hosting Wellness Days for our students and staff to provide time for strengthening our bonds and addressing our physical, mental, and social health. These unique events will occur during normal school hours on a modified bell schedule. We ask that you encourage your child to get to school on time and stay at school all day so that they may participate in and enjoy the activities. This offering is designed expressly to ensure that our students and staff consider school a destination where they feel safe and supported! Please feel free to call the school to speak with a grade level School Professional Counselor if you have questions or concerns about this new initiative. A reminder that school will end at 1:20. Please communicate your afternoon transportation plan with your scholars early.
Math Saturday Academy (Reminder):
In an effort to provide additional support for all scholars in math, Githens is hosting Math Saturday Academy twice a month through the month of May. The following is a list of dates: April 20, and May 4 and 18. Students will engage in targeted enrichment of priority standards from 9:30 to 11:30 each session. Snacks will be provided; however, parents must provide transportation. If you are interested in your scholar attending the Math Saturday Academy, please contact your scholar’s math teacher as soon as possible.
STEAM Night (Reminder):
STEAM night is coming to Githens April 25 from 5:00 -7:30. Come and join us for a night of hands-on activities and learning! Our own GMS students will be performing labs and activities that we have done in classes with families and will have presenters from Duke Physics and Nanoscience Outreach, The Raleigh Astronomy Club, The Star Lab, and Jordan High School's FFA. Our Science Fair hosted by one of our own 7th grade scholars, will also be held that evening. Projects are not mandatory but are encouraged. If your scholar is interested in completing a science fair project, please have them see their science teacher for the packet. There will be prizes for the winners of the fair.
Raiders Sports:
Monday, April 15, 2024
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Girls and Boys Track & Field Practice
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm - Boys Tennis Practice
4:45 pm – Lacrosse vs Gravelly Hill at Gravelly Hill
4:45 pm - Baseball, Girls Soccer, Softball Games vs Brogden at Githens
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Lacrosse Practice
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm - Boys Tennis Practice
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Softball Practice
4:45 pm - Baseball, Girls Soccer Games vs Lowe’s Grove at Githens
4:45 pm - Girls and Boys Track & Field vs Carrington & Neal at Carrington
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Lacrosse Practice
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm - Boys Tennis Practice
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Baseball Practice
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm - Girls Soccer Practice
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Softball Practice
4:45 pm - Girls and Boys Track & Field vs Lowe’s Grove at Lowe’s Grove
Thursday, April 18, 2024
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Lacrosse Practice
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Girls and Boys Track & Field Practice
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm - Boys Tennis Practice
4:45 pm - Baseball, Girls Soccer, Softball Games vs Neal at Githens
Friday, April 19, 2024
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Lacrosse Practice
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Girls and Boys Track & Field Practice
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm - Baseball Practice
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm - Girls Soccer Practice
4:45 pm - Softball Game vs Lowe’s Grove at Githens
A document has been added to the Parent Resource folder that contains the sports schedules for the 2023-2024 school year. Click on the link provided in the email that accompanies this phone message to access the document and plan accordingly. All sports ticket sales are virtual through “GoFan” and are required for entry. Please use the link provided in this email to follow the steps necessary to purchase tickets. For further information regarding athletics or specific teams, please email either Mrs. Stackhouse, Athletic Director, or the coaches.
Durham Public Schools wants to ensure safety at all our athletic events. To achieve this, there must be effective collaboration with our schools, athletics, security, and school communities. Please be advised of the following:
- Clear One Bag Limit: Guests (spectators and students) will be limited to one bag that is clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC and less than 12" x 12"x 6" — exceptions will be made for medical and baby needs. However, if the bag is not clear, the contents of the bag must be displayed.
- No Re-entry: Spectators that voluntarily leave an athletic contest may not be allowed reentry into that contest.
- Elementary & Middle School Students: All elementary and middle school students must be accompanied by an adult when attending athletic competitions.
A reminder that we ask all scholars and families to pay close attention and adhere to the following guidelines:
- Scholars are not allowed to be dropped off prior to 8:00 am.
- Scholars must be on time daily.
- Scholars are required to bring laptops and chargers everyday and must ensure their laptop is fully charged every morning before entering the building.
- Cell phone use is not allowed at any time during the school day for any reason and scholars will need to power off their cell phones and place them in their book bags prior to entering the building. Scholars are not permitted to use cell phones on the bus.
- Scholars who carpool in the afternoon need to be picked up no later than 3:45. The school day ends at 3:20.
Student Incentives (Reminder):
Githens will continue its Raider buck student incentive plan this week. This plan allows scholars the opportunity to earn raider bucks through exhibiting behaviors aligned with the Raider Way. Raider bucks can be used to purchase items at the Raiders Store on Fridays during lunch. Today we had another very successful Raider store opening. The success of the store continues to be attributed to the generous donations of items by our PTA and Raider families. We encourage families to continue to send in donations as they are truly the backbone of this student incentive plan. Thank you to all the families who have provided donations thus far. We hope to have your continued support. The link to purchase items for the Raider store is located in the weekly Pride Blast sent out by our PTA. Please drop off any donations at the front office.
PowerSchool Parent Portal (Reminder):
PowerSchool Parent Portal is the official source of student grade information and a convenient way for you to update your most current contact information. DPS has created step by step instructions, as well as video instructions, on how to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Use the link (https://www.dpsnc.net/Page/383) to navigate the setup process.
Parent Resource Folder
DPS School Safety, Security, and Emergency Information Guide for Parents/Families:
DPS School Safety, Security, and Emergency Information for Parents and Families and DPS School Safety, Security, and Emergency Information for Parents and Families (SPANISH VERSION).
Athletics: https://www.dpsathletics.com/githens
GoFan: (How to purchase game tickets)
One-to-One Student Device Handbook (English/Spanish)
Parent/Student Technology Agreement (English/Spanish)
Githens Middle School 2023 - 2024 Supply List
“Here Comes the Bus” Bus Tracking App
Cell Phone Policy
Traditional Calendar (English/Spanish)
PowerSchool Parent Portal: PowerSchool Parent Portal is the official source of student grade information and a convenient way for you to update your most current contact information. DPS has created step by step instructions, as well as video instructions, on how to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Use the link above to navigate the setup process.
Parent Canvas Observer Access: Parents are highly encouraged to sign up to be an observer in Canvas. Teachers will post homework assignments for scholars in Canvas and will be responsible for keeping these pages updated.
2023 - 2024 Student/Family Handbook (English/Spanish)
Discovery: Every scholar at GMS is scheduled to take an intervention class from 9:22 to 10:12. Click the link to access a description of the learning scholars will engage in.
Durham Public Schools Dress Code Policy
Immunization Requirements