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Principal's Update for the week of 12/15/24

Greetings, Cougar Families!
This is the last week of school before Winter Break. We will continue mid-year benchmarks on Monday (ELA) and Tuesday (Math), and our 7th and 8th graders will attend the SWAGBRRR trip on Wednesday and Thursday. It's a full week that culminates with an early release day this Friday!

We're celebrating with school spirit week:

Mon 12/16- Holiday Pajama Day
Tues 12/17 Ugly Sweater/Holiday Socks
Wed 12/18- Tops, Toes & Holiday Mode
Thurs 12/19- Holiday Character
Fri 12/20-Flannel Friday

In sports news, Tuesday, December 17,  the boys and girls basketball team will travel to Lakewood. The boys will play first. The game will start at  4:45 pm.  Wednesday, December 18, the wrestling team will host Lowes Grove for their home opener. The match will start at 4:45 pm. Thursday, December 19, this could get ugly...wear your ugly sweater to the boys and girls basketball game against Lowes Grove.  The girls will play first. The game will start at 4:45 pm. Please review the district-wide stadium policies and procedures, including the clear bag and no re-entry policies on our athletics website. Tickets are $8.00 but free for elementary age students and younger. Middle and Elementary school students must be accompanied by an adult to enter and must remain with them during athletic events.

Thank you, and we hope that you have a wonderful break!