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Principal's Update for the week of 11/10/24

Greetings, Families! It's Principal Cheek with your weekly message.

We are gearing up for Winter Break - a season when there are lots of concerts, activities, and days where there is no school. Please partner with us as much as possible to ensure that our students are prepared and focused each day. We strongly encourage you to check PowerSchool and/or Canvas each week to see updated grades and remind students of our high academic and behavioral expectations. 

There is no school Monday, November 11 in honor of Veteran's Day.

DPS will host its 2025 Showcase of Schools on Saturday, November 23rd, from 10am-2pm at the North Carolina Central Student Union, 500 Nelson Street, Durham 27707.  Representatives from all DPS district, magnet, and pathway high schools will be present to highlight their schools and programs for the 2025-26 school year.

Are you interested in traveling to Costa Rica during Spring Break 2026?   A tour of a chocolate plantation, zip line through the rainforest, go whitewater rafting, snorkel and SO MUCH MORE is awaiting your student! 

There will be a parent interest meeting on:

·    Thursday, November 14:  In Person Meeting at 6:30 at CMS in B-9 

·    ­RSVP at


Contact Mrs. McCall at or 919-560-3916 ext. 16310 to RSVP or if you have any questions.  Act fast! Now is the time to begin planning financially!  Spots are limited!  

Come out and support students at the DPS All-County Band Concert Thursday November 14th @ Northern HS Auditorium. Admission is Free!

In sports news, there will not be any athletic events as this week.  If you plan to trying out for basketball or wrestling, you will have the opportunity to get your ticket to play on Tuesday, November 12 from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm. Wrestling and  boys’ and girls’ basketball tryouts will begin on Monday, November 18.

The Carrington PBIS Program is partnering with Mount Level Missionary Baptist Church to collect hygiene items for Durham County youth and Western Carolina Hurricane heroes. Please drop-off unopened packaged hygiene items to Student Services starting Tuesday, November 12th through November 26th.

This concludes our message. Let' s make it a great week in Cougar Country...intentionally.