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Principal's Update for the week of 9/16/24

Greetings, Cougar Families!

Our focus for this year is "Intentional Actions...Intentional Results". It is my belief that as our students and staff members work with intentionality we will see great success in every area. As part of that, we are intentionally targeting reading and writing because we know that these areas have major impact on student improvement. Look out for those types of assignments as students bring work home!

In Cougar News this week:
Fall pictures will be taken tomorrow, Monday, September 16.

Math team interest meeting Wednesday Sept. 18th from 3:30 - 4:30 in Mrs. Pike’s Room.  Students need a ride home promptly at 4:30.  All grade levels and abilities welcome!

This week in sports Monday, September 16, Volleyball and Boys Soccer will travel to DSA. Wednesday, September 19, Football and cheerleading will travel to Neal. Thursday, September 20, Volleyball and Boys Soccer will host Brogden for the home opener and Cross Country will host Lucas for the season opener. All of these events are scheduled to begin at 4:45 pm, however, games are subject to change contingent upon the weather. Tickets can be purchased on using the link on the athletic webpage. You can also review the district-wide stadium policies and procedures, including the clear bag and no re-entry policies there. Tickets are $8.00 but free for elementary age students and younger. Middle and Elementary school students must be accompanied by an adult to enter and must remain with them during athletic events.

This concludes our weekly announcements. Let's make it a great week in Cougar Country, intentionally!