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Principal's Update for the Week of 8/27/23

Good Evening, Cougar Family, 

This is Principal Emanuel welcoming you to the 23-24 school year.  We are truly excited to see our students and anticipate a wonderful school year. As we prepare for Monday, I wanted to provide some information on transportation that will help make our arrival and dismissal processes run smoothly. 

If your child is a bus rider and you missed open house, please go to PowerSchool for bus information. You can also call 919 560 -BUSS with bus questions.  Parents, students should be at their bus stop 10-15 minutes prior to their pickup time.

For those families that will be dropping students off and picking them up.  We want to ensure you understand the flow of carpool so that we can all enter and exit efficiently.  

Our school doors do not open until 8:00 am, and we ask that you not drop children off before then.  Students are not allowed to get out of your cars until 8. At that point, a member of our staff will direct them. If there is a long carpool line during morning drop off, the deputy may direct you around the back of the school. Staff members will also be there to assist. Please follow their directions all the way around the edge of the bus lot to the back of the school until you are directed to let your child out of the car.

For afternoon Carpool --- Please Do Not arrive to CMS prior to 3:00.  We do not allow cars to begin to park until that time, and we ask that you honor this as it keeps us from backing up the main roads.

In the afternoons, our 6th grade students (and their siblings)  are to be picked up in the back of our school at Gym II.  The first few weeks it takes a minute for everyone get acclimated to our routine. Therefore,  6th graders won’t be dismissed until 3:30.  So we suggest 6 grade families wait until 3:25 to arrive on campus. 

Parents of 7th and 8th grade students should report to the front of the school for afternoon dismissal. I am asking 7th grade families to pick up their children at 3:20 and 8th grade families to pick up their children at 3:25.

Seventh grade families will be directed to the left as you approach the main school entrance while 8th grade families will continue straight to pick their children up on the curb in front of the main entrance. There will be staff members posted to direct you. If you have a 7th and 8th grader, they will be directed to wait on the 8th grade side.