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Principal's Update for the Week of 06/05/23

Good Evening, Cougar Country-

EOG Make-up Exams:  Students who did not take their EOGs last week will be required to make up their EOG exams on Monday, June 5.  

Early Dismissal on June 9: Friday, June 9, 2023 is the last day of the regular school year.  We will operate on an early-release schedule.  All students will dismiss at 1:20pm.  

8th Grade Moving-On Ceremony: The 8th grade Moving On & Awards ceremony will be held Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 10:00 am.  The ceremony will be held in our gym and space is quite limited.  Each student will receive two tickets for guests to attend.  Each guest will be required to enter with a ticket.  Unfortunately, any visitor without a ticket cannot be admitted.  Students will receive tickets on Tuesday, June 6.  Additional information will follow this week.

Required Student Immunizations: 6th & 7th grade parents - It is time to update your child’s immunizations.  NC state law requires that all students who are 12 or are entering 7th grade, must have updated Tdap and meningitis immunizations. Student immunizations must be updated before students can begin 7th grade.  Please contact your primary health care provider or the health department for these required immunizations.  If your child already has updated  immunizations this year, please send a copy of the immuniation record to the school if you have not already done so.

Summer Camp: Carrington will host a summer camp July 10-27th. The camp will offer ELA, Math, STEAM, SEL and physical activity.  The days and hours of operation are 8:15 am - 3:30 pm, Monday-Thursday.  Transportation, breakfast, lunch, snacks and field trips are offered at no charge to the student.  The application is located on our website.  Please contact Ms. Applewhite at or (919) 287-5699.