- Lowe's Grove Middle
- Technology Information for Families
Technology information for families/Información tecnológica para las familias
My student's Chromebook doesn't work
Please have your student do the following:
- Explain the issue to his or her teacher & ask the teacher to enter a technology ticket.
- The teacher will send the device to the media center with the ticket information.
- The office will call your student to the media center when their device (or a replacement) is ready.
If you have concerns, please email the tech champion, Ms. Bruch.
FAQ/Knowledge Base
Order a Replacement Charger/Solicitar un cargador de repuesto
Every student should expect to be issued a functional Chromebook and charger at the beginning of the school year (or shortly after enrollment, if later). It is the student and family or guardian's responsibility to quickly assess issued technology and report problems to their teachers. Students are encouraged to use tape with their names on their chargers to help avoid mix-ups. If students lose or damage their chargers, they or their family may purchase a replacement using the link below. PLEASE ALSO FORWARD YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL MESSAGE TO ME (BRUCH) WITH YOUR STUDENT'S NAME so we can ensure your student's receipt.
Purchase Student Charger ($27 as of 1/28/2025)
Cada estudiante debe recibir un Chromebook funcional y un cargador al comienzo del año escolar (o poco después de la inscripción, si es posterior). Es la responsabilidad del estudiante y la familia o tutor para evaluar rápidamente la tecnología y reportar problemas a sus maestros. Se recomienda a los estudiantes que poner sus nombres en los cargadores para evitar confusiones. Si los estudiantes pierden o dañan sus cargadores, ellos o su familia pueden comprar un reemplazo utilizando el enlace de abajo. POR FAVOR REENVIE SU MENSAJE DE CONFIRMACIÓN POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO A MÍ (BRUCH) CON EL NOMBRE DE SU ESTUDIANTE para que podamos asegurar la recepción de su estudiante.
Comprar cargador para estudiantes (27 $ a partir del 1/28/2025)