The School for Creative Studies will have its own classes and coordinator for Driver Ed. This will allow more Creative Studies students to participate in Driver Ed through DPS.
The coordinator will be Wayne Howell. He has many years of experience teaching Driver Ed. His email is wayne_howell@dpsnc.net. He will be the contact person for all matters regarding Driver Ed at the School for Creative Studies.
We will offer a class for SCS students only from January 27 - February 14, 2025 from 5-7 PM. This classroom phase is virtual and will meet each day, Monday through Friday, for a total of 15 class meetings. Registration for this class will begin online Saturday, January 11 at 9:00 a.m. The form will close when the class limit is reached.
To view more information from the Durham Public Schools district Drivers Education webpage, CLICK HERE.
Driver Education Classes
- The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) requires 30 hours of classroom instruction and six hours of behind-the-wheel training. All Durham city/county students who are at least 14 ½ years old and enrolled in a public, private, charter or home school in Durham are eligible to take Driver Education with Durham Public Schools.
- Students wishing to take Driver Education must be eligible to receive a driver eligibility certificate. Students who have failed two or more classes the previous semester are not eligible to take Driver Education.
To take Driver Education with Durham Public Schools a student must be in one of these categories:
- Attend a Durham Public School high school
- Attend a private school located in Durham
- Attend a registered “home school" located in Durham.
- A student must be 14 ½ years of age on the first day of class.
DPS will be using an “on-line” payment system for the non-refundable $45 fee for Driver Education. The fee will be paid by credit card or by debit card. Students who do not have a credit or debit card may obtain a pre-paid one from a store. Students need to remember that some places will charge a service fee for the pre-paid card and need to account for that amount as they select to purchase the card.
Students that are dismissed from a Driver Education class due to behavior or attendance problems may not be allowed to take Driver Education a second time through Durham Public Schools.
Below is a Google Form with information regarding 24-25 Driver Ed dates, times and sign-up information. The registration dates and times are posted for each class. Please remember, you may only register for a class at the school you are enrolled in. If you register for a school you do not attend, you will be removed from the registration. If your registration is accepted, you will be notified once we have confirmed your registration with the class information. Students must be 14 ½ to register for a class. Payment information will be given on the first day the class meets. Link to the registration is below and is the same link as on the district website. Please note the registration form is closed until the date and time noted within the class listing. Do not attempt to submit a form prior to it as each submission has a time/date stamp.
2024-2025 Driver Ed @ SCS Google Form Information