Student Records Requests

  • Elementary and Middle School Students

    Contact your school directly to request records.

    Records for a student who completed elementary or middle school will be transferred to the assigned middle or high school during the summer. For students who have transferred OUT of Durham Public Schools, records will only remain at those assigned schools for the first 10 days after the start of school. After the 10 day mark, all NO SHOW Records are returned to the previous school of record. Call the Records Center at 919-560-3707 if you have trouble locating these records.

    Records for elementary and middle school students who withdraw from Durham Public Schools during the school year are held at the last school of record. Continue to address requests for those records to the former school and they’ll fax your request to the Records Center if the record has already been transferred.

    High School Students

    Complete this online request form.

     Review your high school transcript BEFORE you graduate (and soon thereafter) to be sure that it shows ALL of the courses and credits that you earned. Be sure that the ACTUAL DATE of graduation appears. That will be especially important if you’re heading to college or to work.

    Special Notes & Instructions 

    • For Immigration Documentation, please note in the special instructions box of the request form exactly what you are requesting and why.  (Example:  Verification of Attendance for Middle and Elementary School for immigration status.)
    • If you need your copy faxed, say that in the comment box. If you need it mailed and faxed, please purchase two copies and note in the comment box to fax one copy. 
    • Please allow 7-10 business days for processing. Customers will receive emails from the site with comments. The email address is the one provided on the form.  If you are not seeing these emails, please check the SPAM folder.
    • Copies of diplomas are not archived; therefore we are unable to provide duplication.


    Donna Hamm, Records Manager at (919) 560-3707