About Easley

  • Principal: Dr. Jennifer Hauser
    Assistant Principal: Farrah Boggan
    Address : 302 Lebanon Circle Durham NC 27712
    Phone : 919-560-3913  Fax :  919-560-3523
    Hours of Operation : 7:45 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
    Enrollment : 491


    Jennifer Hauser has been the principal of Easley Elementary since January 2015. She previously served as Assistant Principal at Pearsontown Year Round Elementary. Prior to joining DPS in the fall of 2013,  Principal Hauser was a classroom teacher, instructional facilitator, and literacy coach with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. As a Michigan native and U of M graduate, she is an avid Michigan fan as noted upon entering her office! Her interests outside of work include traveling, reading, spending time on the beach, and hiking with her husband and Golden Retriever.


    Features of the magnet school include:

    • Operates on a year-round calendar with three-week breaks between each nine-week instructional period, and a five week break during summer.
    • Student camps may be available during the fall, winter and spring intersessions depending on the school.

    Our scheduled tours have ended, but if you wish to tour Easley, please contact our Magnet Coordinator, Leah Rubow at (919) 560-3913 or email Leah Rubow at Leah_Rubow@dpsnc.net.  

    The lottery application period has ended for the current school year.  The next application period will begin in January 2026 for the 2026-2027 school year. For more information about magnet schools and the lottery process,please browse this link:  https://www.dpsnc.net/magnet

    Our Mission:

    Easley is an inclusive community of lifelong learners who feel seen and heard, value themselves and each other, and are resilient in the face of challenges.

     Our Vision:

    Through intentional instruction and meaningful relationships, we meet each child where they are, nurturing each talent and skill set, recognizing effort over outcome and valuing diversity.