To purchase tickets for events at Neal Middle School, please follow these steps:
1. Click the link to access Neal's DPS online pay portal.
2. Select the activity or school event you're interested in.

3. Add it to your cart.
4. Select the number of tickets you would like to purchase.

5. Select Checkout once tickets have been ordered.
6. Create an account (all school events need to be paid for through our online services).
7. Once an account is created, you can now add your child to your profile. If you have multiple kids who attend Neal, you will have to create a profile for each child.

8. Click Next to proceed to the payment screen.

9. Add your payment information to your profile on this screen and click Next.

10. Confirm that your information is correct on the next screen, check the box on the bottom left and click Next.

11. The payment is processed and you should receive your confirmation information.