- Rogers-Herr Middle School
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Educational Links By Subject
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Instructional Resources
Lesson Planning
- DPS Central: Access curriculum maps and other goodies!
- Lesson Plan Templates
Scholastic U - Helps all teachers build instructional skills in literacy; includes student-driven online modules. For the login, RHMS's zip code is 27707. Username and password are case-sensitive, so enter your username like this: Firstname_Lastname
SAS Curriculum Pathways - interactive, standards-based resources in the core disciplines
Learn NC - from UNC School of Education: all kinds of information and lesson plans for teachers in North Carolina.
- UNC World View - programs, outreach, and resources focused on 21st Century global education
- Carolina Navigators - from UNC Center for Global Initiatives: global education resources created by Carolina students who have international expertise
- Wonderopolis - Wonders of the Day to help you find learning moments in everyday life. From the National Center for Family Literacy.
- A to Z Teacher Stuff - designed to help teachers find online lesson plans and resources more quickly and easily
- Eduhound - Full list of lesson plans and activities for all grades
- PBS Learning Media - free, interactive, customizable lesson plans
- Primary Lesson Plans - free weekly lesson plans (preK-8) on all the core subject areas
Classroom Resources
- ABCTeach - this is the place for kids, parents, student teachers, and teachers
- Alphabet Soup - contains thematic units, holiday units, games and activities for kids; teacher and parent resources; and crafts, humor and recipes for all! Be sure to check out the Kindergarten Kafe, recipes dictated by 5-year-olds!
- Concept Based Instruction - prezi slideshow
- Discover Magazine - articles to read in class on all kinds of subjects related to science, technology and the future
- Educator's Handbook - great for managing classroom behavior expectations
- Enchanted Learning - kid-friendly and always updated with new information, excellent online dictionary/encyclopedia, incredible thematic "Zoom Units" and great diagrams for kids of all ages, especially for struggling readers
- eThemes - an extensive database of content-rich, age-appropriate resources for classrooms, organized around specific themes.
- Idea Box - online database of ideas and activities for early childhood teachers
- PBS Teacher Source - printable for parents (Spanish & English)
- PowerPoint Backgrounds - backgrounds/templates for PowerPoint.
- Quiz Hub - features fun online interactive learning quizzes for English, math, science, and social studies
- Quiz Tree - free quizzes
- Royalty Free Music (username: RogersHerr | pwrd: Rogers123)
- Scholastic Teacher Resources - all kinds of stuff for the classroom teacher.
Classroom Funding
- A Gift For Teaching
- Adopt a Classroom
- DonorsChoose.org - a great way to fund great ideas
- TeachersPayTeachers.com - an open marketplace where teachers buy, sell and share original teaching resources