- Southwest Elementary
- Parents
Arrival & Dismissal Information
It is our desire to make arrival and dismissal at Southwest a smooth and safe process for everyone
At Southwest, we use ClassDojo schoolwide for the school and families to connect, communicate, and share learning experiences.
DPS Student Family Handbook
Durham Public Schools publishes a handbook to support learning and academic achievement and to help you make informed choices during your or your child's academic career
Dual Language Program at Southwest
A unique opportunity for elementary students to learn a second language!
Online Payments
Pay for school stuff online - This service is provided to facilitate payment for school fees for a variety of products and services.
Parent Guide to Assessments in DPS
Click for links to our current resources outlining the various assessments administered within DPS
PowerSchool Parent Portal Directions
Instructions on how you can access your student’s current grades and attendance online on a site called the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
School Safety, Security and Emergency Information
DPS is committed to the safety and security of all students.
Southwest Student Family Handbook
Our handbook serves as a resource to answer any questions you may have about Southwest’s policies and procedures.
Title 1
Title I, part of the Every Student Succeeds Act, is the largest federal education program. The goal of Title I is to provide instructional services and activities which support students in meeting the state’s challenging performance standards.
Tour Southwest
Southwest Elementary School is dedicated to providing quality education to your children. Join us on a tour of our facilities and see for yourself.